Yapı Kredi Publications: Book of the Month Reviews

The First Year of the Second Constitutional Monarchy Era

The joint efforts of Aygaz and Yapı Kredi Publications have resulted in the publication of this exceptional work for readers. A collaborative effort to mark the 100th year of the Second Constitutional Monarchy Era, this extensively detailed book recounts all the events which took place between 23rd July 1908, when the Second Constitutional Era was announced and 23rd July 1909, when the era’s first year was celebrated.

The foreword is written by Prof. Dr. Mete Tunçay and contains news clippings from magazines and newspapers of the era, articles and reviews, as well currently written pieces based on the facts known about the period. Most of the rich visual contents within the book are photographs and documents that have never previously been brought out into daylight.

Advisory Board: Nuri Akbayar, Raşit Çavaş, Yücel Demirel, Bahattin öztuncay, Mete Tunçay 282 pages, 18 TL

The Cold War: Negotiations, Spies, Lies, Realities

This book looks at the political struggle experienced between the USA and the USSR after the end of the Second World War from a multitude of angles. The efforts of these superpowers to create allies out of strategically located countries, from as far as Asia to South America, undeniably altered the previously existing balances of power in the world. The final stage of the struggle for superiority came after the demolition of the Berlin wall and the dissolution of the United Soviet Socialist Republic into many smaller independent states, thus creating the presently reigning balance of power within the world. History Professor Dr. John Lewis Gaddis explains the changes that took place in the map of Europe after the end of the Second World War and analyses the phases of alterations experienced in many European countries as a result.

Author: John Lewis Gaddis

282 pages, 18 TL

Darwin and the Science of Evolution

Darwin and the Science of Evolution is a meticulously researched and produced book that will fill an immense gap of knowledge about Darwin and his theories. This publication is to be released at the dawn of Darwin Year which is to be celebrated throughout 2009, (as it coincides with the 200th birthday of Darwin). Tort recounts Darwin’s childhood, family, the prevailing conditions of the society he lived in, the events that shaped his mental development, the journeys he undertook and the affects of these on his theories; with an immense wealth of anecdotal details as well as attempting to demolish the prevailing dogmas regarding his theories. An excellent choice for readers who are interested in being introduced to Darwin through a completely non-judgemental evaluation...

Author: Patrick Tort

160 pages, 13 TL

My Life

As one of the generals who altered the outcome of the War of Independence in Turkey with his support, Kazım Karabekir penned his memoires in great detail after retirement. The most prominent of these works, Our War of Independence (İstiklal Harbimiz) was recently revised and published by Yapı Kredi Publications and was followed by the publication of another section of his memoires which detailed his childhood and youth and had been named My Life (Hayatım) by Karabekir himself. This work has also recently been cross-referenced with the original hand-written text and revised accordingly. It is now ready to be released this month and will be followed by further works of the General. Yapı Kredi will be publishing other sections of his works as separate books within the coming months and place great emphasis on retaining the original candour of the accounts. “Diaries” (Günlükler) is the next and a most anxiously awaited book to be released soon.

Author: Kazım Karabekir

300 pages, 21 TL

Silver Dove

Russian author, poet and theorist Andrey Beliy’s Glossolalia was introduced to readers by Yapı Kredi in 2007 , who will now be bringing them another one of his esteemed works; the Silver Dove. As the first volume in an epic trilogy based on Russian historical philosophy, these works are to be published as a part of the Kazım Taşkent Classical Works Series. The Silver Dove discusses the paradoxical position of Russia as a country situated between the East and the West through Daryalski, the intellectual and unsatisfied hero of the story who is surrounded by the occult powers of the East.

Author: Andrey Belıy

358 pages, 21 TL