Deposit Products

Yapı Kredi offers you diversified deposit and investment alternatives for your different financial needs.

  • Current Account: You can deposit your funds in TL or any other foreign currency for your daily cash flow needs. You can use your current acount for daily payments, spendings or transfers.
  • Time Deposits: You can open a time deposit account to take the advantage of a risk-free return at the end of a fixed-period investment horizon. Yapı Kredi offers you advantageous interest rates for any time period that match to your investment needs.
  • e-Deposit : You can easily open a time deposit account through Internet and Telephone Banking and earn higher interest rates.
  • Gold Deposit: You can open a Gold Account with Yapi Kredi and watch your gold accumulate without the risk of theft. If you would like to protect yourself against the sale of underweight, low-carat, overdated and unregistered gold coins or if you want to just avoid paying labor and workmanship, you can open a Gold account.
  • Gold Time Deposit: You can open a gold time deposit account to take the advantage of investing in gold and earning interest at the same time.

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