Basel III Compliant Subordinated Debt Transaction of US$500 million

Basel III Compliant Subordinated Debt Transaction of US$500 million

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On 1 March 2016, Yapı Kredi successfully priced a 10NC5 Basel III complaint Tier-2 deal with a coupon rate of 8.5%. Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Citigroup, Mitsubishi UFJ and UniCredit Bank acted as the Joint Lead Managers.

Initial price thoughts (IPTs) were released at high 8's for a benchmark transaction. Soon after opening, the orderbook gathered momentum and had over US$500m in orders by 14:30 IST which allowed price guidance to be tightened to 8.75%. Orders reached US$1 billion soon after opening in the United States. Transaction size was confirmed as US$500m and the deal was launched at 8.625% with a coupon of 8.5% on the back of strong investor demand and considerable bps inside of IPTs.

The transaction was priced off at two times the oversubscribed orderbook, consisting of a geographically diverse investor base with over 120 accounts. The transaction was a particular success given the volatility of the markets.

The transaction represents a strongly rated subordinated debt issue, particularly in the Turkish market, with an investment grade rating of BBB- by Fitch and a rating of Ba3 by Moody’s.

Interest will be paid semi-annually in arrear and the issuer has a call option at the end of fifth year. The final maturity date is expected to be 9 March 2026.

Istanbul, 3 March 2016

Inquiries:Yapı Kredi Investor Relations

Tel: (90) (212) 339 7323


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Yapı Kredi / 03 Mar 2016
